Wednesday, April 24, 2013


1. The national wages for a psychologist is $73,740 annually and the annual wage in Michigan is 72,720, so in the case the wages are pretty close together.

2. The national wages for a psychiatrist is $177,520 and in Michigan its 183,730, which is surprisingly significantly higher.

3. Lawyers make about $130,880 for their national wage and in Michigan lawyers make 110,010. So other states obviously do make a bigger amount of money than we do in Michigan but it is still good pay here.

4. Nationally chiropractors make $79,550 which is an average amount and in Michigan 69,530. That is a really big difference in payment. Michigan is probably so much less because there is no demand f0r a chiropractor here.

5. Nationally a physical therapist makes $81,110 . In Michigan they make 75,110, which again, i think its a lesser amount because physical therapists aren't in big demand in a state like Michigan.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging Technology Part 1

Emerging technology back in 2009 included the making of  Siri. They were just creating Siri back then and were hoping to use it as a personal aide on our at home computers. The Siri they used in 2009 could only accomplish a specific and limited amount of tasks. At that point in time they weren't sure if they could bring siri to Mobile devices. Today, almost all smart phones have some form a pf personal assistant, whether its Siri or something by android. You can access Siri on your Mac computers. Also today, they can find you anything over the Internet in any state in a snap. Back in 2009 it was just emerging and being worked on. Today almost anyone has access to it.

Emerging Technology Part 1

Light-Field Photography:

Early this month was one of the first major updates to the camera. It is a camera that lets you adjust the focus of a picture after you take it! It is being sold for an average price, and there are options to make 3D images at home. It works by recording the angle which the light rays comes in, the results aren’t automatically images, they are actually mini databases that capture the pattern of light These kind of cameras existed before, but places that could use them was limited. This Lytro camera is just the beginning of what this company is planning to do. Another feature of this new and improved camera is that the images from the camera can be shared onto websites like Facebook.

I personally think that with this new camera technology, that in the future these types of cameras will be installed into webcams, computer cameras, and phone cameras. Because of this type of camera, technology is advancing very quickly and scientists are coming up with very amazing, high quality things that are going to make life easier and better for everyone. Something that surprised me about this new camera was that there are still advancements that have been made and that will be made to the camera. Cameras are already have a high quality image and speed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rebecca Crane H4, Job Interview

     Ford Crane (Dad) 
1.       Fermi  Nuclear Power Plant
2.      Control Room Supervisor
3. He supervises licensed operators
4. Needed 6 years in the navy, a Reactor Operator License, and a Senior Reactor License, both need to be issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
5. He is happy to go to work, on most days ;)
Leslie Crane (Mom)
1. At home
2. Homemaker
3.Takes care of everything anybody in the family could need and takes care of the house as well.
4. A hard working personality and a good attitude.
5. Unless her kids (like me) are being bad, then she is always happy to work hard for the family.