Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging Technology Part 1

Light-Field Photography:

Early this month was one of the first major updates to the camera. It is a camera that lets you adjust the focus of a picture after you take it! It is being sold for an average price, and there are options to make 3D images at home. It works by recording the angle which the light rays comes in, the results aren’t automatically images, they are actually mini databases that capture the pattern of light These kind of cameras existed before, but places that could use them was limited. This Lytro camera is just the beginning of what this company is planning to do. Another feature of this new and improved camera is that the images from the camera can be shared onto websites like Facebook.

I personally think that with this new camera technology, that in the future these types of cameras will be installed into webcams, computer cameras, and phone cameras. Because of this type of camera, technology is advancing very quickly and scientists are coming up with very amazing, high quality things that are going to make life easier and better for everyone. Something that surprised me about this new camera was that there are still advancements that have been made and that will be made to the camera. Cameras are already have a high quality image and speed.

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