Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging Technology Part 1

Emerging technology back in 2009 included the making of  Siri. They were just creating Siri back then and were hoping to use it as a personal aide on our at home computers. The Siri they used in 2009 could only accomplish a specific and limited amount of tasks. At that point in time they weren't sure if they could bring siri to Mobile devices. Today, almost all smart phones have some form a pf personal assistant, whether its Siri or something by android. You can access Siri on your Mac computers. Also today, they can find you anything over the Internet in any state in a snap. Back in 2009 it was just emerging and being worked on. Today almost anyone has access to it.

1 comment:

  1. We have yet another world traveler. You had a good introduction and interesting discussions about each of your choices. Your biggest problem was your music. Half of the time, the volume was appropriate and you could understand your dialogue easily. At other times, the music completely drowned you out. I heard not one word about Choice Ten. Your citation page was good, but it scrolled down so fast, it would be hard to catch a citation easily. 89%
