Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Screencast- Rebecca Crane hour 4

1 comment:

  1. Name Rebecca Crane Hour 4
    How useful was screencast? Introduction – tell your audience what Glogster is – not everyone knows. Once you started, your demonstration was at a good speed and you did a nice job telling the audience what you were doing and why.
    Was it well planned/ organized? Yes I think you started at a good spot and demonstrated different tools. Nice job showing the audience how to save and set up the category. You needed to explain what tags are and why it’s important to use tags. You should have explained different things that can go on a glog even though you were not going into that much depth.
    Could you complete task after watching video? yes
    Was voice/speech loud and clearly recorded? Yes, nice quality to your voice.
    Appropriate vocabulary used? You did a nice job here.
    Did mouse movement have a purpose? yes
    Length of video (min. 3-5 minutes) 4+ 23/25 A
