Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Roosevelt Summary

Roosevelt and some crew members, including his son set off on a journey to explore and come home with things to study. They began the journey December 9, 1909. The journey already started of bad when a man drowned because of the rapids, but they moved on and got over the roaring waters. As time went on they suffered from lack of food and monkeys became good food. All of the men were but by exotic insects or ran high fevers. At a point in time Roosevelt thought he was not going to make it because of a leg injury that got malaria and he told his men to go on but they refused to do so. The journey ended April 27, 1913. They made it through the River of Doubt and despite the terrible things they survived, they overcame and came home with tons of things to study.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Online Safety

About a week ago, a student from Milan High School was charged with two felonies for posting threatening things on facebook. This situations should be taken seriously. Posting threatening things on facebook can affect everybody around you. Whether the student is kidding or not police and others should treat it very seriously. This student should most definitely be punished. If he wasn't he would never learn his lesson and probably end up doing something like this again. This students punishment shouldn't be too severe since it was his first offense but he should have a small amount of jail time and a few years of counseling for it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Feed Readers

I like the Google Reader MUCH more than the Technorati. The Technorariti was unorganized and confusing. I couldn't even follow a blog. Google Reader is simple and lets me easily follow the blog I want to. Technorati also has too many ads distracting me from following blogs.